It took two years of work to create a MOOC on the responsible use of technology for humanitarians. Resulting from a partnership between the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (EPFL); Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
I had the honor of having been one of the thinking heads during the design phase together with Greg, Philippe and Sonja. In addition to also carrying out development and implementation.
There were a total of 80 videos with 34 different participants and experts. Structured into 6 modules on #AI, #cloud, #data #softwares, #Cryptography and how it impacts humanitarian action and people facing crises.

This course was designed for humanitarian practitioners but I learned a lot! We put something in place that was accessible to everyone, this mooc is for you and it’s free! more than 1200 people have already registered for this free course!