What is micro learning?
It’s a denomination for online courses that has a shorter format in itself. These format pleases by its conciseness.
From the viewer’s point of view, the learner only draws what he needs. You fly over a subject of your interest to learn something, to get inspired or get an overview of a subject or a product, without wasting a lot of time or money.
From the perspective of someone offering a micro learning course, this can prove to be a very good marketing strategy. For this following reasons:

You invest in a knowledge that you own by turning it into a real product. Having and generating by this way an online business! Not to mention that, depending on the way you plan and schedule that, you will be creating visibility, thus showing your services and a little bit of who you are.

The second thing is depending in the way you chose to do it, this product can show itself highly profitable. Not because it’s going to be expensive, I really don’t recommend you do it that way. But because it can be automated, generating income on weekends or while you sleep!
An ongoing project
In my opinion this format is great for training employees on a particular subject, but further more quick and very structured demonstrations. Working perfectly for small business or self-employed people who would love to increase their visibility!
This project from the picture, is a project I’m developing with Ewa Kristensen, from Joy at Home. I can’t wait to see the result, it’s going to be beautiful.
I hope you have learning more what micro learning is and enjoyed the tips on why you should invest in micro learning!